Outback: The Amazing Animals Of Australia


Dan Kainen’s eight Photicular® images are an eye-catching vehicle to pull young readers into Ella Morton’s informative and often witty text about the Outback and the creatures who live there.

Young readers will simultaneously shout “cool!” and “eww!” when reading: “The youngster called a joey, feeds, pees, and poops in the pouch – some of that waste is absorbed, but the mother periodically licks the pouch clean when it gets a little too pungent” and will squeal with delight upon learning that wombat droppings are cubic. Their parents will give a knowing nod when reading: “to attract a female, the male peacock spider hoists two of its legs to their full length and flails them about in a ‘Yoo-hoo, over here!’ motion.”

Ages: 5 and up

Publisher: Workman Publishing

Author: Dan Kainen and Ella Morton