Garcia -polished Steel Mini Blinis Pan 12cm With Black Handle ( Made In Spain )


Garcima is the recongnised world leader in authentic Spanish manufactured Paella Pans.
Pata Negra are similar to traditional carbon steel pans, except that these are made from an extra  –  thick and heavy duty  – grade of carbon steel  ( aka polished steel , or acero pulido ) There are good choice for restuarant kitchens, or for Home cooks who expect to give their pen and a good workout.


  • As with any carbon steel panels, these panels require a bit of care: you must try the pan right after washing it and then rub the inside with a little vegetable oil to prevent rusting
  • polished steel black handle
  • carbon steel
  • and wash only

Dry immediately before storing


Height ,2 cm

Dia 12cm

Dia of base  10cm

Lenght of handle 13cm